Modern Outlook

Announcing a Life, Finance, & The Inbetween Name Change!

Eddie Thomas

We are announcing a name change from the Life, Finance, & The Inbetween podcast to Modern Outlook! What we are doing stays the same but expect some new stuff too!

Eddie Thomas:

Hey, guys, welcome to this special episode of the podcast. Because it is announcement today, I haven't sat down and recorded one of these or put something out in a little over two months, since late February. And there's a reason for that there's a reason behind the scenes as to why. And the announcement is a bit of a name change, a bit of a name change. So the podcast name, currently life finance and the in between, I liked it. I started two plus years ago, I didn't mind the name, I thought it kind of wrapped up everything we wanted to talk about. But I think it's time for a little bit of a change. And then I think this one's going to stick for the long term forever. And the new name of the podcast is going to be modern outlook, the modern outlook podcast. The reason being is because I feel like the name modern outlook paints a better picture as to the direction I want to take this life finance in between good name. But it was one of those things that it's kind of long, it's kind of hard to say it's a lot of syllables, and I really loved it. And I think modern outlook kind of takes that condenses it, and gives a good perspective as to what this is gonna potentially turn into long term, it's gonna stay pretty much the same on on a lot of the content, talking about finance, talking about the financial media, what's happening today in the markets and economy. But I also want to branch outside that I want to start making content about some other pieces of life that we're all going through. Not everything's finance, not everything's the markets, not everything is the economy. And I think when I'm listening to other podcasts, it's something that I find very interesting the concepts and ideas and thoughts and just overall content outside of the market. And I love making content about the market about the economy. But I think giving myself the ability to share something that's outside of that as well and provide a name and a content and a content brand name. That gives us the ability to do so I think that's that's for the best long term. So we're going to be changing the name to modern outlook, you'll now see that on your on your playlist that it says modern outlook, and you'll see the new the new image there for what it's going to be. And it's just going to be kind of up to date, insights on current and relevant news. Everything's so rapidly evolving, that I think this is gonna give us a good kind of glimpse into the future of what this podcast could turn into the life finance in between podcasts, that was a really good run for two years. And I really liked the name, but I think this will give us a little bit better of a platform going forward. And I'm pretty excited about it. So been a little bit of a hiatus two plus months here, but I'm syndrome, this podcast out here, announcing the name change all the work that's been going on behind the scenes. I think I think we're gonna hit the ground running here and get it going. So, gonna try some new ideas in the next couple of months, get things going and stick with the old ones too, because I liked what we were doing. So stick with me for the ride. Join me if you want to. It's gonna be fun. I'm looking forward to it. And I'll catch you guys on the next one.